Happi Pear®
Happi Pear® brings you a different fruit experience with an unexpected bite. It’s sweet in flavor, optimistic in nature and the fruit for every smile™.
Changing the Pear Category
Happi Pear® shakes up the pear category as one of the few branded pears available. Happi Pear’s® unexpected bite is distinctive to the expectation people may have for pears with sweet and cheery flavors!

Simple and Refreshing
A uniquely sweet and zesty bite isn’t the only distinguishing flavor characteristic of Happi Pear®, its texture and uplifting flavor is what makes this pear of dessert quality.

Happi Pear® starts its harvest along with other pear varieties in September. Currently, it is available from October thru early November.

A Different Kind of Pear
Grown for life’s simple moments, Happi Pear® is a natural cross-between Harrow Sweet and NY10353 pears, creating an attractive and delicious fruit.
Featured Documents

Happi Pear® 11×7 POS
Print-ready POS card is 11″ wide & 7″ tall.
.PDF - POS Happi Pear® 1.58Mb Apr. 12, 2022

Happi Pear® from the Orchard
HW624 pear hanging on a limb.
.JPG - Happi Pear from orchard 6850 1.72Mb May. 25, 2022

Happi Pear® Logo and Tagline
Logo with tagline to be used for branding, advertising, merchandising and point of sale.
.JPG - Happi Pear® bitmap logo with tagline on white 167Kb May. 26, 2022
.PNG - Happi Pear® bitmap logo with tagline 148Kb Apr. 20, 2022
.PDF - Happi Pear® vector logo with tagline 360Kb Apr. 20, 2022

Happi Pear® In Studio
Pears on brand purple
.JPG - Happi Pear purple set 1.98Mb May. 25, 2022

Happi Pear® in the orchard
Pears harvested and sitting next to the trees on brand purple.
.JPG - Happi Pear from orchard 6891 5.09Mb May. 25, 2022

Featured Blogs