This is What Fell From the Tree

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EZ Band 4-Pack dAnjou Artisan Organics® Pears

9 photos [7 41839 00771 5] eCommerce ready 4-pack: (0) angled, (1) top, (2) bottom, (3) front, (4) back, (5) left, (6) right, (7) angled-left, (8) angled-right

EZ Band 4-Pack Red Pear Artisan Organics® Pears

9 photos [7 41839 00772 2] eCommerce ready 4-pack: (0) angled, (1) top, (2) bottom, (3) front, (4) back, (5) left, (6) right, (7) angled-left, (8) angled-right

EZ Band 4-Pack Envy® Apples

9 photos [7 41839 00672 5] eCommerce ready 4-pack: (0) angled, (1) top, (2) bottom, (3) front, (4) back, (5) left, (6) right, (7) angled-left, (8) angled-right