This is What Fell From the Tree

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The Equitable Food Initiative is a third-party audited certification that was designed by multiple stakeholders (workers, growers, retailers, and consumers) in the supply chain to work together to increase transparency and assurance around farm working conditions, food safety and address industry challenges.  

WFFxWFF 1080p Video Download – Lynn Reimer Key

Joining Stemilt in 2006, Lynn has made her way from Temp Safety Specialist to Payroll and Benefits Specialist. In 2018, her husband joined her at Stemilt as a factory parts clerk on the maintenance team. The link downloads the 1080p version.

WFFxWFF 4k Video Download – Lynn Reimer Key

Joining Stemilt in 2006, Lynn has made her way from Temp Safety Specialist to Payroll and Benefits Specialist. In 2018, her husband joined her at Stemilt as a factory parts clerk on the maintenance team. The link downloads the 4k version.